Abolish Poverty - End Suffering
Christ’s Mission of Compassion
“You who are my disciples must be found continuing in the forefront of those organizations and movements which are recognizing the worth of persons and are committed to bringing the ministry of my Son to bear on their lives.”
D&C 151:9
Christ’s Mission of Compassion
“You who are my disciples must be found continuing in the forefront of those organizations and movements which are recognizing the worth of persons and are committed to bringing the ministry of my Son to bear on their lives.”
D&C 151:9
This initiative is not merely about offering temporary relief but is aimed at fundamentally altering the conditions that perpetuate poverty and suffering. Through its compassionate ministries, the initiative seeks to empower individuals, helping them transition from states of dependency to leading productive, fulfilling lives. This approach underscores the importance of self-respect and personal worth, recognizing that true assistance means supporting people in a manner that respects their dignity and potential.
Collaboration is a cornerstone of Community of Christ's efforts to realize this ambitious goal. By partnering with other faith communities and organizations, the initiative amplifies its impact, pooling resources and expertise to tackle the complex, multifaceted challenges that underpin poverty and suffering. These partnerships enable a more holistic approach to service, ensuring that interventions are not only addressing immediate needs but are also working to dismantle the systemic barriers that keep people in cycles of poverty. It's about creating a synergy that transcends individual efforts, fostering a collective movement towards a world where everyone can live with dignity and hope.
The call to Abolish Poverty & End Suffering is a powerful rallying cry that invites us all to play a part in this noble endeavor. It's a reminder that the fight against poverty and suffering is not the responsibility of the afflicted alone but a shared moral obligation. Whether through direct service, advocacy, or support, everyone has a role to play in making the vision of a world without poverty and suffering a reality. This initiative embodies a profound expression of faith in action, challenging us to look beyond our immediate concerns and commit ourselves to the well-being of our global family.
We invite you to join us.
"Then the righteous will answer him, “Lord, when was it we saw you hungry and gave you food, or thirsty and gave you something to drink?”… And the king will answer them, “Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me.”
Matthew 25: 37, 40 NRSV
Matthew 25: 37, 40 NRSV
Doorstep Topeka
Topeka Community of Christ works to Abolish Poverty & End Suffering by reaching out through compassionate ministries, in partnership with other faith communities and organizations, such as Doorstep, that serve the poor and hungry and stop conditions that diminish the worth of persons.
Doorstep provides Topekans with the support they need to live fuller, more self-sufficient lives. From combatting hunger to offering individuals and families the services and resources they need to enjoy independent lifestyles, Doorstep is committed to extending a helping hand to our forgotten friends and neighbors in their time of need.
In addition to our tithes which fund Community of Christ operations, programs and missions; we partner with other Churches in Topeka, Kansas and charitable organizations, to support the ministry provided by Doorstep Topeka.
For additional information regarding how you can assist Doorstep, please contact Ruth May who serves as our congregation's liaison with Doorstep Topeka.
Doorstep Newsletter Article – August 2024
Thank you to everyone who donated to our Summer Cash Bash!!
You have heard us talking about the increased need for food assistance in our community for a year now. We would like to tell you that things have improved, and those numbers are decreasing, but that is not the case. Our neighbors continue to struggle to pay their rent, their high utility bills left from winter or new ones this summer, gasoline to get to work, even car payments or repairs. Our numbers for food assistance remain at an increased level, and hygiene kits will hit a new high this year as well. Our neighbors are truly struggling with the most basic needs of life.
In the first 6 months of 2024 (compared to 2023):
Doorstep has spent $190,352 on Direct Assistance to Clients ( $79,721), we have provided 1,423 food orders ( 495), feeding 3,591 individuals ( 1,286) with 79,919 pounds of food ( 21,540), spending $35,680 on food purchases to keep our shelves stocked to help our neighbors in need ( $21,145). We have also provided 671 hygiene kits ( 200) spending $4,941 purchasing those products.
Doorstep was built on neighbor helping neighbor and we are a part of a caring and generous community. Thank you for all the ways you support Doorstep and your neighbors in need; whether you have donated food, clothing and household items, monetarily, gifts for Christmas, participated in one of our events, or shared our information with someone who needed help, you are all very much a part of our Doorstep family and we appreciate your support.
Thank you to everyone who donated to our Summer Cash Bash!!
You have heard us talking about the increased need for food assistance in our community for a year now. We would like to tell you that things have improved, and those numbers are decreasing, but that is not the case. Our neighbors continue to struggle to pay their rent, their high utility bills left from winter or new ones this summer, gasoline to get to work, even car payments or repairs. Our numbers for food assistance remain at an increased level, and hygiene kits will hit a new high this year as well. Our neighbors are truly struggling with the most basic needs of life.
In the first 6 months of 2024 (compared to 2023):
Doorstep has spent $190,352 on Direct Assistance to Clients ( $79,721), we have provided 1,423 food orders ( 495), feeding 3,591 individuals ( 1,286) with 79,919 pounds of food ( 21,540), spending $35,680 on food purchases to keep our shelves stocked to help our neighbors in need ( $21,145). We have also provided 671 hygiene kits ( 200) spending $4,941 purchasing those products.
Doorstep was built on neighbor helping neighbor and we are a part of a caring and generous community. Thank you for all the ways you support Doorstep and your neighbors in need; whether you have donated food, clothing and household items, monetarily, gifts for Christmas, participated in one of our events, or shared our information with someone who needed help, you are all very much a part of our Doorstep family and we appreciate your support.
“I would that ye should impart of your substance to the poor, every man according to that which he hath, such as feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, visiting the sick, and administering to their relief, both spiritually and temporally, according to their wants.”
Mosiah 2:43
Mosiah 2:43
Community of Christ Oblation Ministry
The first Sunday of each month, all undesignated offerings received are forwarded to Community of Christ Headquarters for Community of Christ Abolish Poverty & End Suffering Ministries. In addition givers can specifically designate their offerings for this purpose at any time.
Oblation was established to help the church be faithful to its commission to care for the poor and needy (Doctrine and Covenants 42:8).
The law and practice of the church since this action of the 1917 Conference (GCR 773) has been to receive funds during all Communion services for the express purpose of the care of the poor and needy. |
“Those who are generous are blessed, for they share their bread with the poor.”
Proverbs 22:9 NRSV
Proverbs 22:9 NRSV
Pennies for Africa Offering
We work to Abolish Poverty & End Suffering by reaching out through compassionate ministries, in partnership with other faith communities and organizations that serve the poor and hungry and stop conditions that diminish the worth of persons.
The third Sunday of each month, our friends and members bring their loose change, which they have saved during each month, for our Pennies for Africa special offering.
This special offering is contributed to the Community of Christ Africa Mission Centers to be utilized by the mission centers, as may be needed. Since this special offering was started in 1997, the Topeka Community of Christ congregation has contributed over $20,000 through our Pennies for Africa offering.
“Those who oppress the poor insult their Maker, but those who are kind to the needy honor him.”
Proverbs 14:31 NRSV
Proverbs 14:31 NRSV
Outreach International
We work to Abolish Poverty & End Suffering by reaching out through compassionate ministries, in partnership with organizations, such as Outreach International, that serve the poor and hungry and stop conditions that diminish the worth of persons.
In addition to our tithes which fund Community of Christ operations, programs and missions; the Topeka Community of Christ congregation also provides funds to support the ministry of Outreach International as we work in partnership with others to Abolish Poverty and End Suffering.
Some think the end to poverty is a pipe dream. Outreach International has nearly 40 years of experience working alongside our community partners around the world that says otherwise.
Outreach International believes when communities work together, they can overcome the challenges of chronic poverty.
Their work supports groups who construct new water wells, establish low-interest loan programs, repair roads, grow vegetables, and much more. It empowers people to lift themselves, sustainably, into a future defined by opportunity. |
We invite you to join with us in supporting the ministry provided by this organization.
During the four Sundays of Advent, the Topeka Congregation participated in the Outreach International Advent Stable Children’s activities. A special offering was accepted each Sunday during Advent to support Outreach International, in addition to our usual Disciples Generous Response. This Advent Children's Ministry raised $473.46 for Outreach International.
"God, the Eternal Creator, weeps for the poor, displaced, mistreated, and diseased of the world because of their unnecessary suffering. Such conditions are not God’s will. Open your ears to hear the pleading of mothers and fathers in all nations who desperately seek a future of hope for their children. Do not turn away from them. For in their welfare resides your welfare."
D&C 163:4a
D&C 163:4a