Topeka CofChrist Building Use Policy
It is the intent of Topeka Community of Christ to be good stewards of the gifts God has given us. That is, to share the grounds and the building belonging to the Church in a responsible manner. We have, therefore, designed these policies and procedures to provide guidance to ensure consistency and fairness in determining who shall be allowed use of the facilities, when and for what purposes.
The policy of Topeka Community of Christ is to use its facilities/property in a manner that provides for worship, Christian education and other needs of its ministry teams and members; and in other ways, to use its facilities to the maximum in a manner that witnesses to the beliefs and values of the Community of Christ. The premises will not be used for any activities or purposes which are not in keeping with the principles of the church or interest of the community.
The topeka_cofc_building_use_policy.pdf document must be reviewed before an individual or group may use the facilities. If you have questions not covered in the Building Use Policy, please contact the Pastor or Facility Use/Scheduling Coordinator.
Please download the files listed below for additional information.